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- /**************************************************************
- * Popup error reporting package (sayerr.c) *
- ***************************************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdarg.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <bios.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- #include <process.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include "popup.h"
- #include "\tc\myincs\mouse.h"
- static char *level_msg[] = {"WARNING","ERROR"};
- static char *pmsg = "Press <Enter> or <ESC> ...";
- /* The way the error/trace windows work: If errw/msgw is NULL, then
- an error/trace message is popped up at errx/msgx, erry/msgy.
- Else, the window errw/msgw (which should have been already
- popped up) will be used. If errw/msgw is already defined, then
- the errx/msgx and erry/msgy coordinates are ignored. */
- int errx = CTRWIN; /* default to center of the screen */
- int erry = CTRWIN;
- windesc *errw = NULL; /* default to popup window */
- int msgx = CTRWIN; /* same for messages */
- int msgy = CTRWIN;
- windesc *msgw = NULL;
- void numnewlines(char *s, int *n, int *w)
- /* Count number of newlines in the string s, also, return
- maximum width of the lines of the message */
- {
- int j,k;
- for (*n=0,j=0,*w=0,k=0; (s[j] != 0); j++,k++) {
- if (s[j] == '\n') {
- (*n)++;
- if (k > *w) *w = k; k = 0;
- }
- if (k > *w) *w = k;
- }
- }
- void popmsg(int x,int y,char *msg,char *title,char soundout,wincolors *wc)
- /* Pops up the message msg at (x,y) - (absolute coordinates),
- with title as the window header. If soundout != 0, then the
- alarm will sound. It will then wait for a key press before
- unpopping the window.
- The message can contain newlines, which are accounted for in
- the size of the window. Note: it SHOULD usually contain a new
- line at the end, or your message might scroll off the screen.
- The (x,y) cursor positions use the same codes as for popup windows. */
- {
- int wd, ht, c, k;
- windesc *w;
- /* Compute height and width of iwndow */
- numnewlines(msg,&ht,&wd);
- /* add in forder, and prompt message to size computations */
- ht += 3;
- if (wd < (strlen(pmsg)+1)) wd = strlen(pmsg)+3; else wd += 3;
- w = draw_win(x, y, wd, ht, title, popup, wc);
- mouse_off(1);
- cprintf(msg);
- cprintf(pmsg);
- mouse_on(1);
- if (soundout) beep();
- do {
- while(!(k = mouse_trigger(0)));
- if (k == CTRLC) exit(0); /* control c aborts */
- if (k != CRKEY && k != ESCKEY) beep(); /* only cr or esc allowed */
- } while (k != CRKEY && k != ESCKEY);
- rmv_win(w);
- }
- void reperr(int level, char *msg)
- /* Reports the error in the error window.
- Level = 0 means warning, level = 1 means error. */
- {
- windesc *wsave;
- if (errw == NULL) { /*popup error window */
- popmsg(errx, erry, msg, level_msg[level], 1, &errcolors);
- }
- else { /* else route to existing error window */
- wsave = curr_win;
- slct_win(errw);
- mprintf("%s: %s", level_msg[level], msg);
- slct_win(wsave);
- }
- }
- void repmsg(char *msg)
- /* Reports the message in the message window. */
- {
- windesc *wsave;
- if (msgw == NULL) { /* popup message window */
- popmsg(msgx, msgy, msg," Msg ", 0, &msgcolors);
- }
- else { /* else route to existing message window */
- wsave = curr_win;
- slct_win(msgw);
- mprintf("Msg: &s", msg);
- slct_win(wsave);
- }
- }
- void sayerr(int ferr, int errflag, int lno, char *pname, char *fmt,...)
- /* The parameters work as follows:
- ferr if 1, then the last DOS error message is printed
- errflag if 1, treat as warning, 2 treat as error, else
- just treat as a message
- lno,pname if pname = "", they're ignored, else they're treated
- as a line number and source file name.
- fmt,... a format string followed by optional arguments
- NOTE: formatting should not exceed 255 characters */
- {
- va_list arg_ptr;
- char t[255];
- int j;
- if (*pname) {
- j = sprintf(t, "On line %d in pgm %s\r\n", lno, pname);
- }
- else j = 0;
- if (ferr == 1) {
- j += sprintf(t+j, "%s\r", strerror(errno)); /* add last DOS error */
- }
- va_start(arg_ptr,fmt); /* point to optional arguments */
- vsprintf(t+j, fmt, arg_ptr); /* add rest of formatted string */
- va_end(arg_ptr);
- switch(errflag) {
- case 1:
- reperr(0,t); /* just a warning */
- break;
- case 2:
- reperr(1,t); /* an error */
- break;
- default:
- repmsg(t); /* or a plain old message */
- }
- }
- unsigned int getkey(void)
- /* Waits for and returns the scan-ascii code of the next key available.
- Does not echo. Pops up an abort window on ctrl-c. */
- {
- windesc *w;
- int k;
- while(1) { /* loop until non-ctrl-c key, or abort */
- k = bioskey(0);
- if (k == CTRLC) {
- w = draw_win(CTRWIN, CTRWIN, 25, 3, "", popup, &errcolors);
- k = bioskey(0);
- rmv_win(w);
- if ((k == 0x1559) || (k == 0x1579)) { /* "Y" or "y" */
- mouse_reset(); /* don't forget to reset the mouse */
- exit(1);
- }
- } else break;
- }
- return k;
- }
- void beep(void)
- /* sounds the bell */
- {
- sound(50);
- delay(25);
- nosound();
- }